Gokyo No Waza

From Red River Judo
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The Gokyo no Waza (五教の技) is the standard syllabus of Judo throwing techniques, originally established in 1895 at the Kodokan in Tokyo, Japan. It consists of 40 throws divided into five sets (or groups) of eight techniques each. This system was designed to provide a comprehensive framework for learning and mastering the fundamental throws in Judo.

From 1920 to 1982, the Gokyo no Waza was the primary method for teaching Judo throws at the Kodokan. The techniques are categorized to ensure a balanced progression in skill development, covering a wide range of throwing methods.

Gokyo No Waza - Judo Throwing Techniques
Dai Ikkyo
(First Group)
Dai Nikyo
(Second Group)
Dai Sankyo
(Third Group)
Dai Yonkyo
(Fourth Group)
Dai Gokyo
(Fifth Group)
De Ashi Harai Ko Soto Gari Ko Soto Gake Sumi Gaeshi O Soto Guruma
Hiza Guruma Ko Uchi Gari Tsuri Goshi Tani Otoshi Uki Waza
Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi Koshi Guruma Yoko Otoshi Hane Makikomi Yoko Wakare
Uki Goshi Tsurikomi Goshi Ashi Guruma Sukui Nage Yoko Guruma
O Soto Gari Okuri Ashi Harai Hane Goshi Utsuri Goshi Ushiro Goshi
O Goshi Tai Otoshi Harai Tsurikomi Ashi O Guruma Ura Nage
O Uchi Gari Harai Goshi Tomoe Nage Soto Makikomi Sumi Otoshi
Seoi Nage Uchi Mata Kata Guruma Uki Otoshi Yoko Gake