Tsubame Gaeshi

From Red River Judo
Tsubame Gaeshi
General information
IJF LegalYes
GroupingShinmeisho No Waza
RelatedDe Ashi Harai
Technique name
AliasCounter De Ashi
RōmajiTsubame gaeshi
EnglishSwallow counter
Korean제비 반환

Tsubame Gaeshi (燕返し) is a judo throw that falls within the seventeen techniques of the Shimmeisho no waza, officially recognized by the Kodokan in 1982<ref>Kano, Jigoro (1986), Kodokan Judo, Tokyo: Kodansha</ref>. Literally translated as "Swallow Counter," Tsubame Gaeshi is the countering of an ashi waza (foot technique) with Deashi Harai (advanced foot sweep) from the opposite leg<ref>Mifune, Kyuzo (2004), Canon of Judo, Tokyo: Kodansha</ref>.


In practice, Tsubame Gaeshi is executed when the opponent (uke) attempts a Deashi Harai. The practitioner (tori) avoids the sweep by bending the knee of the leg being targeted, then immediately counters with a Deashi Harai using the opposite leg. For example, if uke performs a right-handed Deashi Harai, tori would bend their right knee and counter with a left-handed Deashi Harai.


Tsubame Gaeshi is featured in several kata (forms) within judo. It is the opening move of the Kaeshi-no-kata, a kata dedicated to counter techniques

Historical Context:

The name Tsubame Gaeshi is a reference to the famous technique of the legendary Japanese swordsman Sasaki Kojirō. Kojirō’s Tsubame Gaeshi was an overhead katana stroke performed so swiftly that it resembled the flight of a swallow, hence the name. This technique is renowned for its speed and precision, drawing inspiration from the swift and elusive movements of a swallow in flight.
